Critical Thinking for Christmas Giveaway

This post about my project will be a little different than usual. I am going to be analyzing it and answering some critical thinking questions about it!cloud-294526_960_720

Project Overview

My partner and I are planning to give out Christmas gifts to the people in need at our high school.

Who is most directly affected?

The people this project is directed  are the students who are homeless/in need this Christmas.

What can we do to make a positive change?

By giving gifts to these students, I believe we can make a positive impact on the whole school really. When others see people helping people, it inspires them to start helping too!

Where will this idea take us?

I think this idea will lead us to more opportunities to help others!

When will we know we’ve succeeded?

When the students receive the gifts will be when we know we’ve succeed. If we put everything together  in time and are able to give the gifts to the students, that will be a success to me.

Why are people influenced by this?

There are three groups of people who are influenced by this project: The students who are receiving the gifts, the people giving the gifts, and the people who are seeing this being put into action.  These three groups of people are influenced by this project because of how positive and selfless it is.

This project is somewhat “out of the ordinary” because this is a generation who has become selfish. Even though that is harsh, it is true. You will probably see more people thinking about themselves than you will see people thinking of others. When something is done for others, it gets noticed.

How does this benefit others?

The specific students are benefited by being able to receive a gift this Christmas. The people who help with the project are benefited by knowing they did a selfless act and made a positive impact in someone’s life. Witnessers of the project are benefited by being inspired to help someone after seeing it be done by others.

These questions really helped me evaluate my project and helped me understand the real meaning and impact this project will have!

(A thank you to for the critical thinking questions!)

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  1. Awesome blog! I love how you used subtitles, bolding and referenced the source! It was also nice that you gave the context with your overview.


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